Peer Kriesel
Peer Kriesel was born in Berlin in 1979. After more than 15 years as a creative mind in the agency and advertising world, he now works primarily as an artist and freelance designer in Berlin.
In his work, he deals with the topic of identity and values in the age of digital change and the digital society.
Peer Kriesel’s work is characterized by the changes brought about by constantly evolving digital technologies, which have a strong influence on us humans and are changing society. They increasingly confront the artist and us with the question of what makes us human, what separates us from the machine.
His work is about the structuring and ordering of seemingly chaotic information, about the acceleration and transformation of communication and about human values, originality and identity.
Typical of Peer Kriesel’s work are his “grimaces” and FRTZNABSTRCTN, surrealist hidden object pictures and overpaintings as well as the Me So Small installations.
Portfolio/Artist info
Works/Portfolio – An overview (PDF-Download – 9MB)
Works/Portfolio – Overpaintings (PDF-Download – 6.5MB)
Works/Portfolio – Me So Small installations (PDF-Download – 5MB)
Works/Portfolio – FRTZNABSTRCTN – Abstracted Identity (PDF-Download – 7MB)
Works/Portfolio – Digital Art/NFTs (PDF-Download – 5MB)
The NFT work: The Burning Chrome (PDF-Download – 1MB)
Works/Portfolio – Essences on canvas (PDF-Download – 3.5MB)